See you all around more often. : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Well my life just fell apart, my girlfriend of 6 months decided that she would like to separate for a while. So I have decided to write a novel, well more of an epic similar to Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. I just hope it doesn't suck. I have also decided to spend some more time online. I found it the best way to learn about life. So the way things are looking I might see you all around more often. I just hope you remember who I am.

-- _Elesar_ (Master_of_The_Hunt) (, May 17, 1999


So sorry Master! Of course we remember you (smile). Good luck with the writing...and glad we'll see you around more! ~Me

-- Medea.. (, May 17, 1999.

Gee, Elesar/Master, I'm glad you'll be around more often but sorry about your breakup... You know most of us Exiler's are there to "lend a shoulder" if you need one. I think your idea sounds like a good one! I'm an avid fantasy fiction reader. I'd love to get to read your book - before or after it's published. Take care. :)

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, May 18, 1999.

MAAAAAASTER!! ((great big huggles)) sorry to hear about your life fallin apart..but hey think of it this way, you'll get to talk to ME more often!..hehe But really if ya wanna talk..I'm ALWAYS here..and I mean that literally...I have no life at all...I just sit at this damn puter all day long..hehehe ~Meggers

-- Megiano (, May 18, 1999.


Sorry to hear why you'll be around more often, but I'm glad you will be (now I have to be too!). So .... ya gonna post some excerpt for us from the ongoing epic? I wouldn't mind having a gander sometime.

-- editrix (, May 19, 1999.

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