panasonic digital cameras : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

anyone know anything about the panasonic line of cameras??Whats their new models just coming out? How does panasonic stack up with other mfgs..? whats the downside of panasonic??

-- jess russell (, May 16, 1999


I have a Panasonic kxl-601 that I am happy with to a point. It is a good camera to start out with if you can find it at a deep discount. Drawbacks are no flash, fixed focus, only uses low capacity compactflash cards. But it is small, easy to handle with one hand, takes good daylight pictures, easy to display and/or transfer photos. Hard on batteries if you download pix by serial connection, advise you get a compactflash adapter to handle moving pix to computer. Every digi-pix nut I know graduates to more sophisticated or technologically newer camera pretty quickly, so starting with one that you know you will abandon later is par for the course. So despite it's limitations, I'd recommend it to start out, especially if you can find one deeply discounted. I am moving up to Canon powershot zoom, haven't gotten it yet so can't compare. Good luck!

-- Dennis P. Holly (, May 23, 1999.

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