: LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
I just wanted to thank exile for all they have done to get me through college. Without your support, humor, homework help and a safe area to unwind I would never had made it. Special thanks to edi for providing this room and to laighe for brining me here. To all my friends I can only say you all were my teachers. Medea thanks for the special room I can call my own getaway
-- jamais1 (, May 15, 1999
oh, well isn't that just terribly sweet.
-- Zen (, May 16, 1999.
Well, to be quite frank, lord knows what I did to help you through school besides some *levitating* and *giggling* here and there. Congratulations Jamais, you've earned every thing your hard work got you. Congratulations once again!!!--Drizzt of Exile
-- Drizzt of Exile (, May 16, 1999.
Congratulations again, Jamais -- big milestone for you!
-- editrix (, May 16, 1999.
You did all the work, Jams. It'll be fun seeing you reap some benefits now!
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, May 16, 1999.
CONGRATS again jams, we are all so proud of you, and YOU are the one who did all the hard work, we just sat back and watched and listened. GOOD LUCK HON!! xoxoxo tamms
-- tammae_27 (, May 16, 1999.