Sony DSC-F1 Compatibility with Windows NT : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

My office is just in the process of changing to Windows NT platform and I have not been able to find out from either Sony or Microsoft if the Sony DSC-F1 digital camera and the software which came with it two years ago is compatible with the new platform. I believe the software, though it says Sony on the CD may originate from Arcsoft.

Can you tell me? If it is not compatible, are there new drivers or something which would make it compatible?

Thank you.


Kathy Cunningham

-- Kathy Cunningham (, May 13, 1999


I had same problem with NT and Windows 98. I look all over for the updated driver and gave up. The program leaks memory and lock up the computer everytime. I gave up and purchased Nikon 950, its about 100 times better.

-- Don Choe (, May 18, 1999.

You might want to pick up the new version of PictureGear from Sony ( It works with all of the old and new digicams from Sony. I actually just ordered it to use with my new DSC-F55.

- Scott

-- Scott Greiff (, May 21, 1999.

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