Hard Boiled

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am looking for John Woo's Hard Boiled on VCD. I have scoured the internet but to no avail. If anyone has a copy to part with, I can negotiate.

-- S. Thomas H. (btp_shomchuen@mindspring.com), May 13, 1999



Sorry for the belated answer.... I've just discovered this board. Check out www.sensasian.com . They have what you are looking for plus a whole host of other titles of HK action for around $5 each.



-- Liza Lin (lizalin@renren.com), August 12, 2000.

Getvcds.com has hardboiled either subtitled or dubbed in English/

-- KennyK (zeldalink62@hotmail.com), March 04, 2001.

speaking of "Hard boiled" check this out:


ofcourse you may not understand it, it's not in english. And watch out for redlof VBS

-- imme (żżż??@greenspun.com), January 21, 2003.

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