e-mail address needed

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I ordered a movie from Movie Cities and I need the e-mail address to get their snail mail address to make a return of a defective vcd.

-- Terence Walker (treed68@yahoo.com), May 13, 1999


Sorry. you are almost out of luck. The site is closed off to the public and many people forgot to save their mail. Or even bothered to write down the email address. Methinks they have closed up shop and ran with the money.

-- Will Shakes (soldier0081@hotmail.com), May 13, 1999.

Hi, I think their E-mail address is moviecities@yahoo.com Hope this will help.

-- Alain Gabreau (agabreau@hotmail.com), May 17, 1999.

Gibo186 need e mail

-- Diana Gordon (ArtOilP@aol.com), January 04, 2004.

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