Playing Multi-session Discs of CDaudio and : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I have two combination discs where the first session is CD audio and the second is NTSC Video CD. Everytime I put it in the computer or on my Sony 530D DVD/cd/VideoCD player only the first session comes up which is the audio. How can I get to the video CD session. I have a cd burner and software to burn a video cd on which I could just take the video CD part and burn a new cd. But, what is the issue? Is it that I need a multi-session disc player or is it Windows 95 software which says automatically go to the first session on the disc and use the MCI cd audio driver?
-- Daren Bridges (, May 11, 1999
You need an multi session disc player. CD-Rom burners can handle that but stand alone DVD players can't. You have to redo the disc with video only to get the DVd player to see it. Also Make sure you keep the disc open after the first session then close it the next session.
-- Will Shakes (, May 11, 1999.