Success in Selling VCDs : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


There seems to be a limited number of merchants selling ORIGINAL vcds over the internet and through your traditional retail stores. Does anyone think that there would be some success in setting up a small vcd store?


-- (, May 09, 1999


I plan to get english Movies from in volume to sell locally. Does anyone know where else to get english movie with subtitle?

-- Videoman (, May 09, 1999.

I own a store that specializes in Video CDs. However, since I set up shop in an American city, I have had to also stock VideoDVD movies as well. Usually we get plenty of customers but for realistic purposes we had to start renting the films to get more business. I would say that if you live in America your best bet for success is to have both formats available. Also you may be in for a hard sell...some people do not believe you when you say a movie can be on CD.

-- Will Shakes (, May 10, 1999.

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