hatched is deadgreenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
shes dead
-- its-a-lie (hahaha@hotmail.com), May 07, 1999
WHAT?????????????? I hope this is just a name change...not real life :(((
-- gobbles (gobbles2@hotmail.com), May 09, 1999.
Do tell us this is a persona-death, not a REAL one!!!!!
-- editrix (editrix@hotmail.com), May 09, 1999.
oh well, it does happen and the old girl and I never got along anyway
-- shouldn't say (none@hotmail.com), May 09, 1999.
I do not have her email address.... someone share it with me and I will try and find out!
-- Say it's not true!!!! (seductive_whispers@yahoo.com), May 09, 1999.
I'm so confused...
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), May 09, 1999.
Zen....the person behind hatched is not dead! She was just on icq...sheesh!
-- Shel (Shelbyx@email.msn.com), May 10, 1999.
well sounds to me like someone staged her persona death for attention, how very hatched
-- shouldn't say (none@hotmail.com), May 10, 1999.
well i am not dead, but hatched is. Sorry for the confusion, you can all be so terribly gullable sometimes really.
-- Zen (porcelainbowl_@hotmail.com), May 12, 1999.
Perhaps the "its-a-lie" nick and that "hahaha@hotmail.com" should have been a tip-off?
-- annonymous (annonymous@notme.com), May 14, 1999.
Well it still seemed to confuse enough people! Not my fault others can be so bloody ignorant, and you all call your self genius.
-- Zen (porcelainbowl_@hotmail.com), May 14, 1999.
I have never referred to myself as a genius. Hmpfh! LOL!!! So, why the name change, Zen/used to be hatched? Did you get bored or were you banned? (I'm still worrying about your continued existence.)
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), May 15, 1999.
oh dear, i've heard of drama but...
-- bugg_girl (bugg-girl@rocketmail.com), May 15, 1999.
Interesting reaction -- I never said I was a genius. But then, I also never said I believed in persona death. Seems rather silly -- why not just aay "I'm changing my name"?(then again, I did kill off a D&D character so well in real life once that we held a funeral service)
-- editrix (editrix@hotmail.com), May 15, 1999.
well i certainly hope you do not mean me Bugg girl... to hell with you! I do not know laighe.... I've grown rather tired of davinci's exile, I believe i have outgrown you all (try not to take it personally, it was bound to happen)
-- Zen (porcelainbowl_@hotmail.com), May 15, 1999.
Zen, I am sorry you're so unhappy, but it sounds as if you're unhappy with more than just than the group of people in Exile. I wish you well, and hope you find what you're looking for.
-- editrix (editrix@hotmail.com), May 15, 1999.
So if you have outgrown excile,why do you keep checking for responses?Also, what is the point of continuing to respond?
-- llew (_llew@excite.com), May 16, 1999.
Excellent point _llew!!
-- SunflowerGirl1 (dianne63@hotmail.com), May 16, 1999.
After seeing the sarcastic replies you've been posting, Zen who used to be a nice person called hatched, I can't help but wonder - have you been through a catastrophic event lately?
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), May 16, 1999.
hmmmm...well I agree with buggums..what's with all the drama?..it's like a small child trying to get attention. If she has indeed outgrown us then why is she still posting? Why should she care? Zen you and I used to be pretty good friends but I don't understand what yer doing here..or what you are trying to accomplish. Care to fill me in? Well I've added my 2 cents..maybe she'll shed some light on the subject.
-- Megiano (tbauer@feist.com), May 16, 1999.
you're right, if i have outgrown you all i should not come back. I was mostly teasing you all..
-- Zen (porcelainbowl_@hotmail.com), May 16, 1999.
Unlike Zen? no, no, i think not. Not the Zen I know, who stole a person from me who i cared for very deepy just to be cruel, and then announced to me she did it all for sport. This cruelty and childishness is not new-- it is Zen!
-- shouldn't say (none@hotmail.com), May 17, 1999.
i confess to having surreptitious *LUST* for ZEN, aka: HATCHED. i am completely enamored with the lil twit, i want to marry her and make puppies... MAH HAHAHAAHA !! baby, if u see this ..drop ME a line, i love u.
-- Tink aka: Sour Grape (tink@rcip.com), May 17, 1999.
Lol...get a life the lot of ya, and just appreciate the hard work people like editrix put into YOUR world wide web, and the rest of you (not all mind you) sit back and shit on it, abuse it, get mileage out of it...iam am amazed by editirx's patience and tolerance..
-- Observer (conductor@islandoflostsouls.com), May 19, 1999.
I'm baffled a bit by the mixture of compliment and ridicule ... but will take Observer's comments at face value, I suppose. The one comment I feel I do have to add, though, is that I've really not done anything to add to anyone's experience except provide the tools (chat room, board, etc.) -- if no one came, if no one posted, if no one kept up the community, the tools are pretty damn worthless. I'm not being self-depricating ... it's the truth.I know that may sound Pollyannaish to Observer/Whomever, but we all know it's the way it is. Works the same online as in real life. All I did was open the gate to the place and occassionally sweep up the sawdust.
-- editrix (editrix@hotmail.com), May 19, 1999.
goodness , to think I have been missing all this. really just popping by to say hi, ummmmmmmm was it a good wake I hate missing out on free cheese.;-) ( to be taken with a grain of salt)
-- gyps (gyps@hotmail.com), May 20, 1999.
well i do not know about cheese.. but there certainly was a good deal of champaigne and dancing at the funeral. I haven't ever see so many smiling faces.
-- shouldn't say (none@hotmail.com), May 21, 1999.
-- Medea.. (medea1968@hotmail.com), May 21, 1999.
Uh...I don't know how pointless this really is, but i just wanted to affirm that i am in fact not yet dead. sorry to disappoint some. the other Zen *rolls eyes* who happens to have an email just like mine, except with a dash after it *rolls eyes* is not hatched... but some twit who continually tries to make things sinister by emailing me with things like "hello, i see you" and other lines stolen from such movies as "scream" (one thru three). So let the "scandal" DIE please...
-- hatched (porcelainbowl@hotmail.com), July 19, 2000.