I Want the Blade VCDgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I have been trying to find the Blade Video cd for bloody ages and I just can't seem to find it. It's been banned in Singapore and Malaysia and so Video-cd doesnt have it. I'm looking for an authentic copy without sub titles. The only place I've found that has it is digital-city but they wont email me back. Can someone help me?
-- Michael Vardis (mvardis@hotmail.com), May 04, 1999
The only way to get Blade on Video CD is with Chinese Subtitles. Digital City sells ths version as does this online site. They do do have high prices but it is worth it. www.cdmovies.com Just click on import movies and you will find it under there. It goes for 25.88 and the shipping is about 5.00. So if you really want it you have to put up with subtitles. Oh and this is an authentic original distrubuted by Universe Laser and Video Co. Ltd.
-- Will Shakes (soldier0081@hotmail.com), May 04, 1999.