how to tell between Asian and English titles : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I was wondering how you can tell if the audio tracks on a VCD are in English or mandarin/cantonese/chinese. I've seen a bunch of american movies on VCD in a store in chinatown; on some the writing is in english, on some it is japanese, on some it is both. On some it says there are subtitles, and on some there is no information. Does anyone know if the majority of american movie have dubbed audio tracks, or if they are in english with subtitles. Also is there any wa y to remove the subtitles? Thanks in advance.

-- Steven kalupski (, May 03, 1999


American movies, if original copy, have subtitles. Look for a red box in the corner on the back of the box. If not assume it. Japanese, Chinese, and others usually tell you if the movie has english subtitles. You can not remove the subtitle at all. Some pirate copies (Thailand) have dual tracks, English and Thai. Basically if you want all english with no subtitles go to or the site I used to like Also there is another way to find out if the movie is in english...ASK THE STORE EMPLOYEE TO CHECK IT OR PLAY ON A DEMO SYSTEM. No films sold in China or Japan on VCD have dub overs(VCD is considered a collectors item, like DVD in the US, and as such the artistic integretity is protected by just subtitling the film. It also makes the move cheaper(no actors to pay for work).

-- Will Shakes (, May 03, 1999.

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