Maximum Film Thickness : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

What is the maximum thickness of film that can be reloaded without breaking a minox 8 x 11 camera?

-- Catherine Coz (, May 02, 1999


Amoung currently available Minox factory loaded film, Minopro film is the thickest, which is about 6 mil is , imo, the limiting thickness for Minox 8x11; beyond that, the pressure plate may have problem, in particular the curved presure plate of Minox A/B may not be able to press the thick film tight against the curved film plane.

In my own application, I limit the film thickness at 5.5 mil (AGFA film ). In the thread "Minox cassette capacity", I listed only up to 5.5 mil.

If you use factory loaded film, there is no problem

If you slit your own film, 5.5 mil is about the thickest film you can cut comfortable with Minox slitter, beyound that, the film may chip and break, and damage the padding of the slitter; and you will avoid thick film like plague.

-- martin tai (, May 02, 1999.

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