Favorite outfit in titanic?greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
So what was everybodys' fave outfit in Titanic?....My fave was the short-lived dress Rose wore for only 3-5 mins on screen when she first sees Jack. The lovely "teadress". It really brightens her hair up as red and green go well together and I thought it flattered her figure well....What was yours?
-- Jo Duggan (katewinslet_2000@hotmail.com), May 02, 1999
My favorite was definitely the dinner dress for countless reasons!It's my idea of an ideal party/formal dress. For my gradutation/Christmas present, my mom bought me the dress (replica) from Tina Fisher at Sew Beautiful for a fraction of the $2000.00 it was originally being sold for, and I have nothing but amazing things to say about Tina and her work. My dress is without a doubt one of the best I have ever seen, and I couldn't be happier. I had wanted that dress for so long, from the moment I first saw the movie. And until just 2 weeks ago it was merely a dream, and now it's a reality! I can't wait until graduation. :-) If you like, I can send you a pic via e-mail, it's up to you. I usually like to see other people's replicas, that's why I offered! Let me know, it's no problem at all. And Jo, you can see a replica of your favorite dress at - www.titanicdress.com - You can order it if you like!
-- Kelly (kelly_rose1@hotmail.com), May 03, 1999.
Not just a little spoiled, are ya?? Just kidding.
-- lol:) (foo@bar.com), May 03, 1999.
Ha ha. Hardly! I appreciate everything I get and work hard for it.
-- Kelly (kelly_rose1@hotmail.com), May 03, 1999.
My favorite was a tie between the flying dress, the sinking dress and Jo's favorite, the "teadress"
-- Nonnie (x96smock@wmich.edu), May 04, 1999.
My favorite dress is definately the "Boarding Dress".
-- Roxygirli (alimcbeil@aol.com), May 14, 1999.
Doesn't anyone like the men's outfits?I do, I think that Thomas Andrew's day suit is very nice. :)
And also the 3rd class peoples outfits are my favorties. You know that little Irish girls lace hat thing? That is so cute!
Email me and tell me if you agree.
-- Kelsey Koch (Kikilunet@aol.com), July 25, 1999.
My favorite dress is that dress, what hat lady Lucy Duuff-Gordon at the dinner, when Rose saw Jak at first time and Rose's "boarding dress".
-- Zlatoslav Lockhart (zlatoslavlockhart@email.cz), August 31, 2003.
I think my two favorite dresses were the purple and white striped "Boarding Dress" and the white dress she wore at the end of the movie.( when she goes back to Titanic and, I guess, marry's jack)
-- Gina McNeil (Serenity153@hotmail.com), October 14, 2003.
I love all the outfits/dresses from Titanic. My favourite dress is Kate Winslett's 'dinner dress', it is so ramontic and it looks gorgeous on her. I also quite like the 'flying dress', the one where Celine Dion is singing and Jack is holding wats-her-name up on the bow of the ship.
-- Crystal (IckleAngel99@aol.com), November 03, 2003.
My Favorite Dress is all of them but the best dress she wored was the one when she was going to jump off the ship whe her and jack ment i really like that one and after jack drew her nude and when they were in the car where she left a hand print of hers. but i like the one when she was going to jump of the ship the most.
-- Dina Marie Packingham (dina17143@hotmail.com), January 19, 2004.
Definately the teadress! I always loved the contrast between the gold (or was it a green?) satin, the white lace, and the burnt orange/red waistband. It really brought out the color of Rose's hair in the movie.
-- Jackie (atomic_brunette87@hotmail.com), April 28, 2004.
i love the one she weres after jack draws her it shows her inoccence and natural beauty
-- shareena stewart (licurias_sweetheart_18@hotmail.com), May 25, 2004.
I love the red and black beaded 'jump dress'when she tried to jump of the back of the titanic, my mum bought the replica for my prom.I love the white sash dress, when the titanic started to sink,with the pinkcoat. i love the white one wen she goes bk 2 da titanic to marry jack. actually i love all of them.
-- Lauren S. (chelseachick647@hotmail.com), August 02, 2004.
The one dress that I like is not mentioned that much. When Molly is first introduced you can see Rose and her mother going to dinner and she is wearing a beautiful dress. did anyone else see it?
-- Elizabeth (eecloud9@hotmail.com), November 26, 2004.