Problem with VP? : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Hi there...

I've been trying to get into VP for the past couple of days and I keep coming up with an error saying this service isn't this just me or are other people having problems as well? Take care... At least you know I'm trying to get back :))) HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


-- gobbles (, May 01, 1999


It may be an intermittent problem, gobbles. Keep on trying! I got in tonight without a hitch, but I'm on a cable modem here, so it's different. Also, I'm in a different part of the world - it may be Net connections between you and Excite ... anywhere along the line there may be some glitch.

I hope you get in!!

-- editrix (, May 01, 1999.

Well gobbs if it makes u feel any better, i get that message as times as well. But trying back after about an hour or so gets it working. ....Jas (goal__)

-- Jasmine B (, May 07, 1999.

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