Revised M.Ed. 3 Syllabus 4/29/99 : LUSENET : MEd Cohort III : One Thread

M.Ed. Partnerships Cohort 3 4/29/99


Apr. 28 Wed. 4:30-8:20 in Hum 458 / Mont 111dinner/ Hum 458 Student Facil: Wayne Opsahl

ITV: Chisholm H.S.

4:30-6 Research presented by Tom Boman 6-6:15 Dinner (pizza) in Mont 111 6:15-8:10 Group Research Project Time - fine tuning (Computer Lab Mont 209 avail. 7-8:20 p.m. ) 8:10-8:20 Meet with faculty and submit your Proposal. Note: You are invited to attend Cohort 2s Thesis Presentations on Thursdays 4/29, 5/6, 5/13 and 5/20 in MONTAGUE 108a preview of things to come. Call Mary Jean for further information (726-6938).

FORMAL Research Project Proposal DUE April 28th. Assignments:


May 5, 1999 Wed. 4:30-8:20 Hum 458 / Mont 111 dinner / Hum 458 Student Facil: Heidi Mlynarczyk and Sue Mickelson

ITV: Chisholm H.S.

Register for Summer 1999 - forms available

4:30-6 Research Report Presentations by each individual or group 6-6:20 Dinner - Sandwich fixings, etc. 6:20-8 Thesis Presentations continued or Group Research time. 8-8:20 Discussion Assignment: Last UTNE response #4 is due; you may email (Barb is our faculty reader/responder at Rainy River Community College) if you last name falls in the first 11 positions of the alphabet (i.e. Brenda Bender - Jennifer Harnell); email (John Hansen is our UMD Communication faculty reader/responder from UMD) for the rest of the alphabet (i.e. Linda Hart through Tim White). Professional Reading and Writing paper is due May 28th (include your UTNEs, alternative professional reading, Great Books, and articles) for Kate & Karin. Remember to email both of them; their email addresses are: and


May 6, 1999 Governance Team Meeting Bixbys 4:00-4:50 p.m.


May 12 Wed. 4:30-8:20 in Mont 209 / Mont 111dinner / Mont 209 Student Facil: Please volunteer to facilitate

ITV: Chisholm H.S.

4:30-6 Computer Lab Mont 209 with Scott Fitzsimmons  PowerPoint Presentations 6-6:15 Dinner (pizza) 6:15-8:20 Group Research Project time Assignment:


May 19 Wed. 4:30-8:20 Mont 111 Student Facil: Gregg Ciurleo

4:30-6 Research: Instrumentation with Tom Boman 6-6:15 Dinner 6:15-7 Test instruments, role play interview, refine / Group Research time with Karen Keenan available for consultation 7-8:20 End of Year Evaluation with LeAne Rutherford

Assignment: Design your Research Project implementation time frame for Summer 1999, using your new Web pages (based on whether you submitted your Thesis Topic and Team members to Jean (at as requested 4/21/99) including: group meeting dates and times, progress reports, delegate duties, dates for submitting chapters to Kate & Karin for input and polishing of writing style, and proposed meeting dates and times with faculty.


May 26 Wed. 4:30-8:20 CC 120 / Mont 111 Student Facil: Please sign up.

4:30-6 Research Project Implementation Design Plan - each group reports 6-6:15 Brown Bag (bring your own) 6:15-8:20 Group Research Project time Tom and Karen available for consultation

Assignment: Annotated bibliographies due June 1st to Kate & Karin.

Professional Reading & Writing Paper (4-5 pages) is DUE May 28th, email Kate and Karin (see above 5/5/99 for email addresses)

FINAL PORTFOLIO DUE for 1998-1999 on May 26th (submit to Karen Keenan)

Assignment: Implement Research Study as approved in your Research Project Proposal and Implementation Design Plan.

Register for Summer 1999 (by June 14th) Registration forms provided 5/5/99.

Catch up time (Note: Students will be regrouped according to group research teams. If you plan to create a subgroup please do so before 4/28/99. Let Tom, Karen and Mary Jean know.)

EHS 5990 (Section 409) under Karen Keenan for Cohort 3 Meet with Tom and Karen as needed to work on research project. Have a wonderful summer!!!!

NOTE: End of May All M.Ed. Partnership Faculty/Governance Team RETREAT on 5/19/99, Wednesday, 8 a.m. - noon at Buena Vista. R


-- Anonymous, April 29, 1999

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