I've been away for a while...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Hi Marper's. I have been in hiding for awhile, but wanted to let you all know I haven't been hiding because I gave up on beating back my scores that everyone has been snatching from me. I know who YOU are! :) Actually, in the past month, my schedule changed around at work from nights to days. I moved back to Coral Springs from Boca Raton last week. I've been spending what little time I have left in the week to help Walter Day put together hugh tournements to be posted on the Twin Galaxies page. Everyone who hasn't been to the page in over a week or more needs to drop by! So many REALLY cool things are going to happen bigger then I ever anticipated. Some of the big companies that are gearing up with TG is Midway, Atari Aladins Castle arcade chain, Namco Cyberstation chain, and Sega GameWorks around the country. One topic brought to the table, is a TG mame highscore contest to determine the top "20" (could be more) all-time best players. Utilizing the standards mentioned back some time ago (highest score is equal to 100% and so on). Another big thing I have been working on, is the "Official" Twin Galaxies PC High Scores Page. Never ever done a page before... so that eats up the remaining free time I had left which would of gone to playing mame. That's why everyone is kicking my ass on the leaderboard! Take note though, as soon as I get back from the New Hampshire Classics Tournement the 2nd week of May, Expect tons of uploads! Especially 10 pointers on most paddle games ESPECIALLY both Arkanoid ver.! You guessed it! I've found a arcade controller! Arkanoids, Tron, Avalanche, blockout, worlords, frontline, and block all at 100%! Whoohoooo! Finally! That also means in the near future, I will be starting my line of custom made joysticks back up and rolling because of all the requests I've been getting for a custom made controller with a spinner for the games I've listed above. I'll keep everyone posted.

PS Anyone that makes there way over to the TG page, drop a message in the message board which has become heavily popular with disscusions and SIGN the guestbook!! Get involved with this page, because remember where TG is going to get some of the scores for the next record book from, It's a nice idea to build a repore with Walter Day and the crew at TG because of what there doing for the industry. oh yea btw, the data base will be up and running within 2 weeks! over 16,000 scores from 81' till today, from intellivision, to mame, to Hydro Thunder for the arcades!


Steve Krogman

-- stephen krogman (skrogman@concentric.net), April 27, 1999

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