Anyone have information about wind turbines? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Is there anyone out there who might have information concerning home wind turbines? It seems that a few years ago there were companies selling small windmills or turbines so that people could generate their own electrical power. I live in an extremely windy area, and something like a small wind turbine might help me meet my electrical needs rather than having to purchase a powered generator. Any information would be helpful. Thanks, Larry

-- Larry Trapp (, April 27, 1999


-- CT (ct@no.yr), April 27, 1999.

Roy@Fourwinds 1-607-324-9747 email at:

Roy knows everything you need to know about wind power. He is totally off the grid and has been for years. Hope this is helpful.

-- Diane (, April 27, 1999.

Couldn't help thinking, yeah, and Roy is totally off his head and has been for years, too! We got our solar set-up from Roy, couldn't be happier with the sales, service and great jokes he sends by e-mail.

-- Old Git (, April 27, 1999.

Duhhh, I forgot all about Roy. I met him on Zog's board and he helped me help a cyber- bud set up his wind sys., very helpfull, good people.

-- CT (ct@no.yr), April 27, 1999.

Get your wind generator ordered FAST. I hear the good, cheap ones are many months backordered.

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moines (, April 27, 1999.

Here are a few links that might come in handy

windmill.htm< /a>
Wind Turbine Research Group 
Horizontal or vertical axis? 
Windpower (European)  
Wind Power 
AIR wind module by Southwest Windpower Wow!!!!! 
Wind Power 
A Glance: Wind Power for Home & Business : Renewable Energy for the 1990s and Beyond 
Natural Life Magazine #48 - Innovative Facility Demonstrates Renewable Energy Technologies 
CanWEA - English Index 
Canadian Wind Energy Association 
Trillium Windmills Inc. Windpower and Pest Control from Rutledge, Koenders and Transonic.< /a> 
Windland - Renewable Wind Energy & Wind Turbines  Olsen Wings - Small Wind Turbine Blades 
Bay Winds, Wind Energy Systems< /a>

-- Brian (, April 28, 1999.


I considered and then dismissed a wind generator. Reason, annual lube job/maintenance (at least in the model I was looking at). For me, lowering a pivot tower for maintenance wasn't much more appealing than climbing the tower. Hiring someone to do it kind of put a crimp in a self sufficiency ideal and created a predefined ongoing cost.

I have a theory that a year or two after Y2K there are going to be lots of used alternative energy options available for pennies on the dollar. People who aren't committed to self sufficiency and bought in a Y2K panic will get tired of the ongoing maintenace (regardless of how minimal) requirements of their home power plant. It will be a good time to add capacity cheap. So if you go for it, you may consider a design that anticipates adding generating capacity and is sized accordingly.

Good Luck, jh

-- john hebert (, April 28, 1999.

I am very interested in this thread - but don't have time right now to follow up on all the above links...can anyone tell me what category this thread is under so I can follow up on it later????

-- jeanne (, April 28, 1999.


Bookmark it.

-- J (, April 29, 1999.

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