Chipgirl's email address : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Chip has now gotten herself off an email list at school and is now capabable of recieving email (as long as you don't send over 300 at a time!). She askes anyone who's somebody (and you all are, I don't care who says you aren't....gimme names and numbers and 'll findem!) to drop her a line and to say hello. Her address is

Tell her Drizzt sent ya, I might get a kiss outta it!!! *giggles*

-- Drizzt of Exile (, April 23, 1999


Thanks for the e-mail address Drizzt. If you get a kiss out of it so much the better!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, April 23, 1999.

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