Agressive MC after being spayed : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

My 2yr female Maine Coon cat has turned extremely agressive after her spaying surgery. She attemps to attack cats who are outside trough the window, growls when anyone or anything coming in the driveway, and attacks all animals that come through the door. So far she's up to attacking 3 dogs and 3 cats. One of the episodes of "cat attacking" she did was very mean. The cat entered while in my friends arms. Kittie stood on her hind legs to see the cat. I took her away and she then attacked me, and ran after the strange cat. She climbed you my friends leg, attacked the cat, the cat ran, she then attacked him again, then he ran again. Kittie had to be stepped on to finally stop her since she tried to attack me also. If we wouldn't of stopped her she would of definately killed the other Maine Coon, since he wouldn't fight back. Is there a type of emotional control drug to stop this behavior? She nearly killed the other cats too and got the dogs (2 cocker spaniels and a chocolate lab) pretty bad. Other than this she is a wonderful cat. The biggest problem is that she is too emotionally attached to me and I want to get another cat for her (it just happens to be her kitten, which is not able to say in the house I gave her to), but she would never let the poor baby stay ALIVE in her house!

-- Anonymous, April 22, 1999

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