bbh's breakers recording and world heroes perfect : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

bbh's BREAKERS recording is not correct I downloaded it and he got killed on the second level

also does any bodywant to have a world heroes perfect contest with me

richard kev stewart


the king of fighting games in 1999

-- richard kev stewaer (, April 21, 1999


Oh yeah - it doesn't play back for me, either - although it seems to be different each time I play it back - sometimes he loses to the woman he fights first, other times to the guy who comes next.

I tried it also on the windows version, but that doesn't work either.

So what's the story? Does it play back for you, BBH?


-- Zwaxy (, April 21, 1999.

also his king of fighter and street fighter ones are off

-- richard kev stewaer (, April 21, 1999.

This is very strange... Neo-Geo recordings have been working perfectly in the past whenever they're played back, whether you turn sound on or off, or frameskip, or whatever... I recorded the Breakers game with no frameskip and sound on, but for some reason it won't play back for me either. With sound off it seemed to be a LITTLE closer to the real recording, so I don't know what's up. I'll record another game tonight without sound and see what happens. (damn, and it was such a good game too)

BTW Richard, could you be a little more specific on which SF and KoF recordings don't work? Because I KNOW that my KoF '94 and '95 recordings play back correctly when using the correct MAME version... fairly sure about '98 too.

My apologies for not checking beforehand,


-- BBH (, April 21, 1999.

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