Read why Windows NT can not read MPEG : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

For those who have Windows NT is the reason why MPEG-1 does not work on your system. WINDOWS NT 4.0! Due to the design of the OS very few programs...even Media Player will play back VCDs. XING currently has a beta version of a Windows NT specific player, you need that one for XING to play it back not Windws 95 or 98 version. Also Windows NT does not allow hardware to be accessed directly, a security feature. Many movies have to access the hardware to get the right size screen and sound. Even though your video card may be MPEG-1 is only MPEG-1 enabled under Win95 NOT WinNT. The best solution is to dual-boot or if unable to purchase a stadn-alone player.

-- Will Shakes (, April 19, 1999

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