Hello from the Maldives!greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Hello everyone, my latest travels have dropped me off in Male in the Maldives, in the centre of the Indian Ocean, where I am enjoying the cleanliness and modernity not found in India which was my last stop!The weather here is not good; high winds, overcast skies and rain, and the coral is all dead following extremely high sea temperatures last year, so no diving either.
I have decided to stay on the yacht (which I have been sailing from Thailand across the Indian ocean for the past three months for those of you who don't know what I am doing with my life at the moment) so our next stop is Chagos in the British Indian Ocean Territory - uninhabited paradise islands where we will stay for two months and then on to the Seychelles.
This means I will be out of cyber-contact for another three-four months, and out of postal contact too! How will I ever cope? I'm missing my poor old neglected computer already.
Anyway, for those who are interested and haven't had a look at my webpage yet, I (think) it is finally up and running without too many errors. The address is:
which then links to another page about my travels in India.
I'm still missing exile and all you inhabitants, as ever, I am in vp now, but as a mug I cannot navigate and am stuck in notebook being derided and insulted by the idiots who have not changed in my absence. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my page and would love to hear from you, but bear in mind I will be out of range of anything electrical for the next three months so don't expect a fast response.
All the best from the hot and humid equator
leucite aka Helen
-- leucite (leucite@hotmail.com), April 19, 1999
no fair no fair...(stomping feet..and throwing a tantrum!) Please take me with you next time so i can get out of this stink'n prison! WOW...hope you are having a great time!...cya soon.(jealous)..lol
-- Washngo (KFGJokerDOC@worldnet.att.net), April 20, 1999.