Quality of VCD is far from original vhs tapegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I have a Marvel G200 Video card and captured VHS movie into M-JPEG compression and then encode it with XingMpeg to make VideoCD, but the quality on the VideoCD is very poor..you can see a lot of pixels movement and some defect. Can someone tell me a better way to make my Video CD at least close to the origianal. Thanks.
-- Erick S (eric23@jps.net), April 18, 1999
Do not use MJPEG for VCD production. You have to capture either in *.avi or *.mpg for the best quality. Motion JPEG(MJPEG) produces poor images becuase it is a moving JPEG pictures. *.avi is better than that. For the best quality (ie DVD quality) use the Professional version of the Broadway capture card or for more decent(ie SVHS) use the Snazzi cvideo card to make the movie. Both cards produce true MPEG-1 compliant files.
-- Will Shakes (soldier0081@hotmail.com), April 18, 1999.
I have a G200 card also, and I just set the MJPEG quality to it's highest setting (a compression of 4.1:1) and when I capture somehting and then play it back to the TV, I cna't tell a difference. Also, try using different encoders. I get my best results from LSX-Encoder.
-- Grayson Page (saitoh@animefan.org), October 04, 1999.
I also have a G200 and also encode with MJPEG, quality is great when looking at the original file produce by the capture.your problem is when you encode to mpeg that you start seing block especialy if you stick to the VCD 2.0 compliant which has a data rate of 1150Mb/s.
That's why you would want to encode to a higher bit rate like 2500Mb/s, but then you get an MPG file that doesn't follow the VCD 2.0 compliant. Your only limitation here is you can not use EZ CD creator to write this file as a VCD, but NERO would do it nicely if you just tell it that your file do not follow the VCD 2.0 compliant.
try this:
Capture MJPEG 352 X 480 @ 2344Mb/s (some DVD player have problem with data rate over 2600Mb/s, that's is why I use 2344Mb/s) encode to MPEG1 using panasonic or LSX encoder 352X240 @ 2344Mb/s (panasonic give better quality but slower then LSX, I preffer panasonic since it can also resize) use Nero to burn your VCD
et voil` you just made a great quality VCD
Good Luck
-- Tuan Tran (anh.tuan.tran@videotron.ca), May 08, 2000.