Reprint of April 16, 1912 Titanic Headline {corrected date} : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

For Titanic Historical Buffs - The Toronto Globe & Mail has reprinted in this morning's paper (April 16) as part of its century of the millenium series the full front page from April 1912 showing the original story about the titanic. The headline read the greatest marine disaster in history and had a photo of the ship and a sectional view of the interior. Great keepsake for enthusiasts - only available today. The write up is avaialbel on the globe's website at

-- Brian D (, April 16, 1999


Response to Reprint of April 18, 1912 Titanic Headline

Sorry, the heading should have read April 16, 1999.

-- Brian D (, April 16, 1999.

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