Microsoft releases software to address Y2K bug in PC's! : LUSENET : NeighborLink : One Thread

Microsoft Y2K Product Analyzer Microsoft has released its Year 2000 Product Analyzer. Download the free software and run it, and you'll find out which of your Microsoft software the company thinks is compliant. For the software it thinks isn't compliant, you can click on a web link to download patches that Microsoft thinks can upgrade it successfully.

Visit the website below for complete details and access to the software!

-- Daren Henderson (, April 16, 1999


Microsoft Windows 98 & Y2K Bugs

The following appeared in InfoWeek's e-mail newsletter regarding Windows 98 and newly identified Y2K bugs. It seems there is no Y2K bug free MS operating system!


Microsoft has identified three more "minor" year-2000 bugs in its Windows 98 operating system, and will release fixes soon, the company stated Wednesday. The three fixes will be issued in a few weeks on the Windows Update Web site, according to a statement released by Microsoft, and in the June issue of the company's Year 2000 Resource CD. The fixes also will be included in the second edition of Windows 98. For the full story:

-- Bill (, April 23, 1999.

My 9yearold somehow set the system clock on my Win95 machine at home ahead 5 years. It ran that way for a few days before I discovered it while entering a date field in Word 97. Not what I would call planned testing!

-- Bruce Hagen (, May 27, 1999.

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