Versions of the COMPLAN Lens and its : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread |
I'm looking to get a Minox A, not for a collection, but to take pictures with.Heckmann's book states the COMPLAN lens was color corrected in the mid 1950s." This implies the original lenses suffered more from chromatic abberation. Does anyone know at what Serial Number this change was made?
Also, Heckmann says "since about 1962" the window protecting the lens was made of UV filtering glass. Does anyone know at what SN this change was made?
Lastly, has anyone any experience as to whether these changes made any noticeable improvement in the pictures taken?
-- Karl Kleimenhagen (, April 15, 1999
Kaqrl, I have a 1954 Minox IIIs. I haven't notice any difference from is pictures vs the ones from my Minox B.
-- martin tai (, April 15, 1999.