Chapters? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I have many VHS tapes that I want to convert to a non-degradable, easily indexed format... So I'm considering getting a VCD setup (capture card, etc.) But I'm not too familiar with the format.My question is: Is it possible to put multiple "chapters" on a single VCD disk? A few of my VHS tapes have 7-10 minute "clips" that I'd like to be able to index quickly (like tracks in an audio CD)
If so, is this possible with the software that comes with a capture card like the SNAZZI? Or freely available?
Thanks, Mike
-- Michael Patterson (, April 14, 1999
To save on headache medication, let's do it the easy way. Capture each clip seperately. You should have one clip AVSEG1.DAT, the next AVSEQ2.DAT, and so on. This way when you load the disc you can just press the number pad to got to a particular clip. There is a longer way but it requires programing and artwork skills. The long way takes about two to three days longer than the short way. Just capture each one as a seperate *.dat file and you are in business.
-- Will Shakes (, May 07, 1999.
you can use adaptec easy cd creator to make chapter.but remember dont buy snazzi mpeg encoder board, because all mpeg encode from snazzi (vcd birate) cannot compatible with videocd player.
the snazzi team untill today cannot solved the problem. i the one use snazzi lav-800 encoder board & i feel sorry to buy that board.
-- submarine (, May 22, 1999.