problems found in NIMO power billing, are they y2k problems??? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

On saterday, I read an article in the local paper, in which our local utility, anuclear power company( Niagra Mohawk) has had many error in its billing systems, which it is in the prossess of y2k remediation. The problems were that the bills were for the wrong amount, and that a large number of people were affected. This sounds like a y2k prroblem to me, but the article avoided the use of those letters. What do you think?

-- Crono (, April 12, 1999


maybe. maybe not.

-- jocelyne slough (, April 12, 1999.

Any mention of Anderson consulting?

-- RD. ->H (, April 12, 1999.

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