Titanic Inquiry Now Onlinegreenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
Hello All:The U. S. Senate Inquiry transcript is now online provided by some great, dedicated folks who are also nearing completion of the transcription of the British Inquiry. This is must reading. This **is** the Titanic story! The site is:
-- Peter Nivling (pcnivling@capecod.net), April 10, 1999
I went to the site yesterday and looked forward to spending some time there. I went today and had a "url" error. Any idea why I could not get in?
-- Brian D (bdamboise@sprint.ca), April 14, 1999.
Hello Brian:Apparently they ran into problems and had to change the URL. The new one is:
This is well worth the time and you will find it very hard to break away. Hope this helps.
-- Peter Nivling (pcnivling@capecod.net), April 15, 1999.