Rent VCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Does anyone know of a place, online or otherwise, where one can rent VCD's? I've found several DVD rentals, but no VCD. Thanks!

-- (, April 08, 1999


then, you should go to they sell and rent dvd,vcd, or i should say you can rent any movies in any format(dvd,vcd,etc)as long as they are listed.

vcd $3/day, $5/3days and rent movies over 5, you get one free

-- (, June 04, 1999.

no..i don't know.any free v.c.d. rental. and not even when we pay.

-- n patel (, April 13, 2004.

there's also that I've found searching google today. they have a netflix-style plan, traditional asian VCD rental plan, and pay per rental plan.

-- Dave (, June 23, 2004.

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