anybody heard of AllAdvantage? : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

It seems to be the Amway of the Internet right now, but I'm giving it a try. After all, even if no one signs up using my account info for credit (no one ever does -- I've also never won a thing in my life ... no exaggeration: I'm 38 and never won a thing ever) ... anyway ... even if no one signs up with me, I still can earn an easy $20 a month for just getting up in the morning and turning on my computer. I can do that. :-)

No survey, took me less than a minute, and they load a little ad banner at the bottom of your screen. As long as that banner is there, you earn 50 cents an hour to surf the Web. Not bad. And, if you're not me and people actually like you, if you refer anyone and they use your ID#, they earn their own 50 cents an hour, and you earn an additional 10 cents each hour they're on the Web. Secondary referrals, tertiary, etc. earn 5 cents an hour for the primary referrer.

Here goes nothing. I've never tried anything like this before -- you guys know me -- but it's been highly recommended by some Net gurus I know (such as Bob Rankin), and they did some serious research on AllAdvantage's background and privacy policy (they do not ever give out your info to anyone).

If you'd like to use me as a referral number, here it is: ATH-283. The direct URL is:

-- editrix (, April 07, 1999


Well...Editrix....I've never won anything either.....(cept a year's worth of milk, which I don't even drink!!)...

I signed up and used you as the referral code....You're sure to make a tidy sum of money off MY surfing hours!!

Hope to get into Exile some time soon and catch up on old times.

Always- SFG

-- SunflowerGirl1 (, April 07, 1999.

I'd like to check it out a little bit before I join anything. But if I do join I'll use you as a referral!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, April 07, 1999.

College. Student poor. college student need money. Money is good. Editrix good friend. Poor student look into. If poor student like, poor student refer Editrix. Editrix get money. Editrix get money and buys poor studen ramen *giggles*

I'll look into it milady and if it's a nice deal or not

-- Drizzt of Exile (, April 08, 1999.

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