Xybots: stage map bug

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Is this a common problem with Xybots or is this just some problem with my machine? In a late stage (stage 7 and up), sometimes the map is messed up, and I end up playing in a 'bad' stage with no exit. However, the correct stage data is contained in the ROM, because after game over during the continue countdown, the correct stage map is shown in the map area.

I'm playing Xybots with v35b2; beta 9 has the same problem, in additional to a lower frame rate.

-- Alan Kwan (tarot@netvigator.com), April 07, 1999


This has been fixed in v35rc2. Bravo, MAME programmers! Too bad the PC controller set-up seems to make it impossible to play this game with 2 players. Any tips?

The "lower frame rate" I mentioned was actually, of course, higher frameskip due to default "auto".

-- Alan Kwan (tarot@netvigator.com), June 27, 1999.

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