class party : LUSENET : M.Ed. Cohort II : One Thread

In speaking with Diane Vertin during the recent quarter break, she has informed me that both she and Frank would like to invite us again to their home for a Cohort II graduation party. The party is scheduled for Sunday, May 16 beginning at approximately 1:00 p.m. at their home. I will be putting out a sign up sheet as we get closer to graduation time so that Diane and Frank can have an idea of how many of us will be attending and I will provide directions to their home and a phone number if you get really lost.

If anyone has any questions, suggestions, or whatever, please let me know as soon as possible.



-- Anonymous, April 06, 1999


Party? I'm In!

-- Anonymous, April 10, 1999

Me too! I'll be there!

-- Anonymous, April 12, 1999

Just a note to let Frank and Diane know I will be at the party on May 16th. Thanks for the invite. Joanne

-- Anonymous, May 12, 1999

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