Is Clinton a Psychopath? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

A long read but VERY interesting. Heaven help us...

-- bob (bob@bob.bob), April 02, 1999


oops, linkie-poo< /a>

-- bob (
bob@bob.bob), April 02, 1999.

close link

-- bob (bob@bob.bob), April 02, 1999.

Very looooong read but very good. The following quotes at the end stood out: "These creatures are profoundly alien. Visitors from a parallel moral universe. They can never interact with ours as anything but soulless predators."

"I believe that I have also made the case that the policy chaos and paralysis that Efron described in Clinton and his administration are symptoms of a the same profound emotional deficit arising from and underlying his psychopathy. ... What is certain is that, for all practical purposes, we are governed by an adaptive, charismatic psychopath, a supreme intraspecies predator, armed with mesmerizing powers of seduction -- even mass seduction. A leader with profound emotional, cognitive and moral deficits that paralyze his reason and interfere with the simplest decisions -- and endanger this Nation.

And there is virtually nothing that can be done about it."

We can PRAY! Things will get worse before they get better but we can pray!

-- Texan (, April 02, 1999.

hehehe. What exquisite rubbish.

I suppose you could make the argument that anyone who lusts after *any* public office is demented in some way. That wanting such a position in the first place should be sufficient reason to disqualify any candidate.

I confess, I speculated on the mental deficiencies of those denizens of this forum who deliberately block out all evidence that we're headed for less than apocalypse, and got blasted for it. It's fun to look for pathology in those we dislike. But the idea that we might have any such problems, well, that's obviously nonsense. Pathology is what *other* people suffer from.

Except, of course, if we agree with them.

-- Flint (, April 02, 1999.


You is been mesmerized! When I snap my fingers three times, you will awake. SNAP, SNAP,...

-- bob (bob@bob.bob), April 02, 1999.

What a worthless bunch of crap! Don't these people have anything better to do?

-- @ (@@@.@), April 02, 1999.

Yes, I rather think he is Bob.

An excellent, compelling piece.

Can any of his lovers above explain the innocence and coincidences of the Klinton "boot hill" body count of deceased FRIENDS and associates?

Can anyone explain why the USA has interfered on foreign soil so damn many times times in Klintstone's administration, as opposed to the relatively isolationist previous one/s?

Can anyone explain why our moral leader has the sexual predilictions of a sewer rat?

Can anyone explain why there will be no elections in 2000 following klintstone's declaration of Martial law, and why we are all going to be stuck with der Fuhrer for the forseeable future?

I think we should be told.

-- Andy (, April 02, 1999.

Andy, man, you're losing it bad. Can you count to 10? If so, do it slowly.

"Can any of his lovers above explain the innocence and coincidences of the Klinton "boot hill" body count of deceased FRIENDS and associates? "

[You misspelled his name. Do you think this makes him worse? Have you ever had a frend or associate die? MURDERER! Oh, you didn't kill them? No matter, only innuendo counts here, right?]

"Can anyone explain why the USA has interfered on foreign soil so damn many times times in Klintstone's administration, as opposed to the relatively isolationist previous one/s?

[Except for the Gulf war? Except for Vietnam? Except for WWII? Except for Korea? Except for Grenada? Except for Santo Domingo? Well, I guess facts don't count when you don't like them. And Oh yes, twisting his name makes it worse. Andy, you wouldn't be 13 years old by any chance, would you? After that age, most people outgrow such things]

Can anyone explain why our moral leader has the sexual predilictions of a sewer rat?

[According to our best information (Kinsey, Hite, Masters & Johnson), what Clinton does is abnormal *only* in that he's subjected to constant publicity and examination, and therefore his personal life becomes public news. Andy, if you were President, the media or your political enemies would find all kinds of terrible things you did *whether you did them or not*. Only the publicity matters. The purpose of making an accusation is to tarnish a reputation. If you don't like a schoolteacher, accuse him (or her) of sexual advances toward the students, *and get it into the newspaper*. The case will be thrown out immediately, but that person will never get another teaching job anywhere. Works great.

"Can anyone explain why there will be no elections in 2000 following klintstone's declaration of Martial law, and why we are all going to be stuck with der Fuhrer for the forseeable future? "

[Whoa. Fanatic alert! First, how can any sane person explain *why* something that won't happen in the future, actually will happen? Second, more 13-year-old name calling. Third, man, this is tough. klintstone? der Fuhrer? Martial law? No elections? Wow.

Uh, who was it who said the GI's are rational and reasonable, and the pollys blow gaskets? Whoever it was only need to read a little of Andy's ravings, then repose that question. We have met the enemy.]

-- Flint (, April 02, 1999.


These are the military statistics.

From 1946 - 1991 the USA interfered 8 times.

During Klintstone's "adminisration" he has had the USA interfere 33 times.

Notice the difference klint - 8.




Do you get it yet Klint.

And no, i haven't lost it, I got it a few yers ago, and I rather suspect klint that you will never get it.

-- Andy (, April 02, 1999.

In politics, scum tends to rise to the top.

-- A (, April 02, 1999.

The essay is quite good, if only from the standpoint of clear presentation of adaptive sociopathy/psychopathy. Beyond that, since nobody I know of has had Clinton as a therapy client, his psychopathy diagnosis is speculation derived from afar, and from second-hand anecdotal evidence. Not very reliable.

As an aside, there is a high correlation between sociopathy and/or narcissistic personality disorder, and people who are attracted to positions of power, i.e., politicians, CEOs, other high-level management, law enforcement, etc. When I can dig out the citations for this I'll add them. Adaptive sociopaths don't look like serial killers in the movies; they look like everybody else. Most don't run afoul of the law, few become high profile. It's when they do that the harm they cause comes to the attention of more than their immediate circle of family, friends, and acquaintances. Like Pigpen with his trailing dust cloud, (of Charlie Brown fame), the wake of destruction follows them around.

-She in the flapping sheet who's read way too many psych books for her own good.

-- Donna Barthuley (, April 02, 1999.

Andy and 'a':

I can't understand why you're living here, then. True, I'm not delighted with what Clinton is doing, far from it. I doubt he will be judged by future historians as a particularly dynamic leader.

But if living under our awful banking system, our awful taxation system, and our awful government is such a burden, really, why are you here? Surely you can do better.

-- Flint (, April 02, 1999.

Thanks A, a new one for my list.

-- Dilbert (, April 02, 1999.

Will someone post the Clinton "death list" for Flint? I thought "Clinton-hating" was for far right whackos - until I investigated the highly improbable number of people in B.C.'s inner circle who have met untimely ends, many of them under suspicious circumstances. Like the Waco bodyguards, and the Starbucks murder. I don't think it's Bill; it's probably his NWO handlers - international Money. Why should we be incredulous about political murders? This stuff has gone on since the beginning of time; though it waxes and wanes with the degree of public virtue and vigilance (at a low ebb just now, to put it mildly). God isn't responsible, any more than he's responsible for the sinking of a rowboat that we don't bother to inspect and maintain.

How about some of the relevant E.O.s? Jim Lord recently wrote very cogently about his feeling that martial law is inevitable; he's been more optimistic until now. Canada and England have more or less open plans for martial law. If Y2k is severe enough, we will have it. But Flint doesn't see Y2k severity as a possibility, so...

Some people take adultery seriously, Flint. They think it threatens the social fabric. Go figure, huh?


-- Prepared (, April 02, 1999.


You make better points than usual here.

"Jim Lord recently wrote very cogently about his feeling that martial law is inevitable; he's been more optimistic until now. "

While I've never regarded Lord as an optimist, and while his latest column was publicly blasted by Dick Mills, his point is worth examining.

"Canada and England have more or less open plans for martial law. If Y2k is severe enough, we will have it. But Flint doesn't see Y2k severity as a possibility, so... "

Not so. I think martial law is a distinct possibility, though not highly likely. Certainly if it were my responsibility to enforce martial law just in case it were needed, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the possibility exists. In that case, I would consider myself derelict in my duty if I *didn't* plan for this possibility. It's my JOB, dammit! I'd be conducting drills and exercises as part of my preparations, and gearing up the necessary logistics so I'd be ready just in case. This is only sensible. And there is some evidence that such contingency plans are actually being put into place. I regard this as a good sign - if the necessity arises, the response should be rapid, well planned and properly executed.

"Some people take adultery seriously, Flint. They think it threatens the social fabric. Go figure, huh? "

I doubt the sarcasm is necessary. I genuinely doubt that we live in less moral times than heretofore, but we certainly live in more open times. Human nature hasn't changed. Some men chase women and always have. In the past, we've preserved the 'social fabric' by looking the other way and pretending it didn't happen. Even then, there was an unspoken principle: You try not to get caught, and we'll try not to catch you.

The change in visibility is genuine. Today, we know Kennedy had a line of women taking numbers. The reporters of that day knew it too. But it wasn't considered proper to actually *report* this. Kennedy's private life was considered *private* and not relevant to his ability to govern. Today, we're more upfront - sex sells products! Our behaviors haven't changed, but our willingness to admit to those behaviors has changed a lot. Whether our moral fabric is properly buttressed better by pretense or honesty, that's up to each of us to decide.

Babe Ruth was drunk a lot, and chased women all his spare time. Reporters didn't mention this - it presented a bad image for the children, you know. Today, reporters sift through Mark McGwire's locker looking for anything they can find whenever he isn't looking. Is this a step in the wrong direction? I don't know.

-- Flint (, April 02, 1999.


Sometimes it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and confirm it.

P.S. Thanks for posting my comment about Paul Davis to a totally unrelated thread today. You can add this one also, if you want:-)...

-- Nabi Davidson (, April 02, 1999.

I agree with Flint. Paranoia will destroy ya guys...

Interesting enough, I notice that sometimes I feel like folks on this board are idiots, then I'll read a post I heartily agree with. Then sometimes I'll see an intellectual compatriot go off and start raving with some opinion I consider ridiculous. Funny thing, these reality maps of ours...

-- a (a@a.a), April 02, 1999.

Is Clinton a Psychopath ? Maybe by reading his past you will understand his future . From this info:

If you had this kind of past you would be in that classification. Do read all of this to understand,DON'T skip thru it !!!


-- EBE (, April 03, 1999.

"Andy and 'a':

I can't understand why you're living here, then."

What, you mean on this planet presumably Flint?

"But if living under our awful banking system, our awful taxation system, and our awful government is such a burden, really, why are you here? Surely you can do better."

You mean another planet do you?

Oh - I get it - here - as in the good 'ol US of A - do you have a problem with my living "here" Clint?

Speak up man, I'm curious where you're going to put your foot next.

-- Andy (, April 03, 1999.

Flint commented:

"Not so. I think martial law is a distinct possibility, though not highly likely.""

Flint, like much of what you say this is MISH MASH!


-- Ray (, April 03, 1999.


You can curse the darkness wherever you are. Your problems aren't mine. I don't know how to help you.


Probabilities are real. If you can only deal with absolutes, you shouldn't try to look into the future.

-- Flint (, April 03, 1999.


You can curse the darkness wherever you are. Your problems aren't mine. I don't know how to help you."

Now THAT is ironic Flint coming from someone in perpetual blinkers.

I said earlier to open your eyes, now I know why you can't see.

-- Andy (, April 03, 1999.

Flint commented:

"Not so. I think martial law is a distinct possibility, though not highly likely."

Then Flint further commented:

"Probabilities are real. If you can only deal with absolutes, you shouldn't try to look into the future. "

More MISH MASH Flint. My original point was that in the same sentence you stated martial law is:

"a DISTINCT possibility and NOT highly likely"

This is MISH MASH !!


-- Ray (, April 03, 1999.


When you drive a car, an accident is a distinct possibility, though not highly likely. I argued that contingency plans should be made for possibilities. Should I assume that you only wear your seat belt when you *know* you'll have an accident, and not wear it when you *know* you won't? Or do you wear it just in case, even though this is MISH MASH?

-- Flint (, April 03, 1999.

Flint, maybe when you drive a car an accident is a "Distinct Possibility". Other folks would not consider it as such. End of time wasting!!!


-- Ray (, April 03, 1999.

Flint,If you were president you would be training troops in preparation? Would you also tell your fellow citizens to prepare? Or would you let the media confuse and label everyone who tries to prepare as extreme. It is your job after all DANMIT.

-- KoFE (your@town.USA), April 03, 1999.


Since you ask, if I were President I'd be digging up the most accurate and up-to-date data I could find by every means I could devise, and publishing it all daily. I'd be pressing for y2k disclosure laws with real teeth and enforcing them (I'd have done this two years ago, actually).

But no, I wouldn't be telling people what to do about it. I think the people can make up their own minds very well, if only they had all the necessary information, whatever that information might be.

-- Flint (, April 03, 1999.

Next time you're in a library, sit down with the American Psychiatric Assoc.'s 'DSM IV', the 'bible of diagnostic categories for the profession. Look up the diagnostic criteria for 'sociopath.' You will see that Bill Clinton meets every single criterion. As do many top-level executives, as mentioned above. Cold, selfish, but EFFICIENT. Our system rewards efficiency, not love. Bill Clinton is a sociopath masquerading as an empath.

-- Spidey (, April 05, 1999.

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