Where can I get Roses' corsets?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

I've tryed to find corsets on some sites that say they have them but I looked and they don't.I'm saving up for a dress and I thought it would be better to have an authentic feel with a costume(which is what they had anyway)....any ideas people???


-- Jo Duggan (Rose103531@aol.com), April 01, 1999


Hi Jo,

You can get a wonderful corset for a very low price from Diane Bar. Her e-mail address is - rosebud1@home.com - Diane is a very sweet lady and is very prompt! She makes vintage dresses for the Hollywood crowd, and she is so kind - I have nothing but wonderful things to say about her! The corset comes in a variety of colors, and is a "Titanic era" corset. But, I'll let you write her and she'll tell you all about that! Jennie Chancey also recommends an amazing vintage style corset, definitely Titanic era, from - www.mustang-rosewater.com - for $100.00 or so. If you have any trouble, contact Jennie at - www.sensibility.com - and she'll give you full details. I did a bit of web searching for you and found you can find many links to all sorts of Titanic era clothing and more at - www.titanicdress.com - Go under the links section, and I hope I was of help! Good luck.

-- Kelly (kelly_rose1@hotmail.com), April 01, 1999.

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