Now this is just getting ridiculous!! : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread first I cant SEND messages from my HOTMAIL I can't even OPEN it up!!

This is very very frustrating!!

Laighe.....I guess you didn't get my message from last night...see...told you it wasnt working.

Anybody got any ideas?? Better post em here so I can read em!

Always- SFG

-- SunflowerGirl (, March 31, 1999


Hi hon... I used to have problems with my hotmail account....usually after I cleaned out my cache the problems resolved themselves... It's an idea anyway....or have you thought of a good ferret nip? *smile* Sorry...probably not much help... HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

-- gobbles (, March 31, 1999.

Hehe, really sorry to hear ur problem. But it is ridiculous. SO get a new account & u could also write to the hotmail server & ask about it. The address for technical support is There is one more thing. They say that the first time u e-mail them, just send a blank message & they'll guide you further with more specific instruction.

Ok Hope it all works out Dear. (goal__)

-- Jasmine B (, April 01, 1999.

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