Submitting photo's for publication : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I'm new to 35mm SLR photography but am completed enthralled with it. I have ideas of starting a small news letter or newspaper covering the activities of youth within the city I live in. The kind od newspaper I'm talking about is one of those short 4-8 page things, something like what a lot of department store advertisers use that you see in the Sunday paper. I want to cover events like little league baseball, soccer, dance and cheerleading events, etc. Until I'm ready to get these news letters or papers printed and distributed myself, I'm thinking about have it included as an insert to the local newspaper, or even starting out just submitting photo's and articles to the local newspaper. First, do the pictures have to be black and white, and do they need to be slide or print film, and what's the best way to submit items to a newspaper or magazine. Anybody got any ideas or experiences doing this?

-- Kevin Lowman (, March 31, 1999


The question & answer board may be a better place to ask this. I would like to here some of the replies myself though.

-- Nick Stevens (, March 31, 1999.


Sorry to answer this but this question was already answered in Good luck!


-- Louis-Philippe Masse (, March 31, 1999.

I followed your link to, but I don't see anything there about submitting photo's to a newspaper or ideas about starting and/or publishing a newsletter or newspaper. I saw a link about converting your photo's with Photoshop for use on the Web and something about publishing your photot's to the Internet, but nothing about submitting photo's to a newspaper. Again, can they be color or do they have to be B&W. Does it have to be print or slide film or either?

Any tips or tricks on getting someone to accept and publish your photo's. Has anyone else every tried to publish a newsletter or newspaper in which most of the photo's and articles were your own?


-- Kevin Lowman (, April 01, 1999.

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