Birthdays...Birthdays..Shelbyx's Birthday!!!!! : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Okay the time has come...Yes its already the 1st April here in NZ even though its not over there in the US!!!
So I'm gonna post this anyone try to stop me!!! my point as usual! Today (at least in NZ) is my bestest buddies birthday!!! SHELBYX!!!! So I have made her a page.....please feel free to go and look at it, its basic basic so no snide comments about my BAD web work ok! Check the page out but most of all PULEASE...and I can't stress this enough...PULEASE SIGN THE GUESTBOOK, that's basically the whole point of the page!!!
Anyway enough begging and rambling here is the URL:
-- VenustheGoddess (, March 31, 1999
Nuts Veuns! I forgot to tell you, in my e-mail, that my whacky browser can't "see" your guest book! I'll have to think of some other way to let Shel know I was there.
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, March 31, 1999.
SHHHEEEELLLLLLLLLSSSSSS!!!!!!!Roomie!!!! You're almost as old as me now!!!!! Maybe I'll met you out in Chicago for drinks and dinner!! Oh, wait, we'll probably walk right past one another!!!!
Have a Grand day!!!!
--your super hero, Fates
-- FatesFolly (, April 02, 1999.