how do i calibrate my : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
How do I calibrate my monitor in such a way that the image that appears in the computer is closest to the original image from source (VHS, etc.) ie..hue, saturation, brightness, contrast, etc..thanks
-- cd giveaway (, March 30, 1999
With a lot of work. Actually your Video Card should come with a calibration utility. All of them do(even cheap white box OEMs). the better question though is why. The PC is digital and will always show some problems with analog sources. Here is the long-winded explanation. When you record a movie it becomes Analog, even if the Source is Digital the tape makes it analog. You plug the analog source into the computer capture toy and it becomes Digital again (if it was before). Your monitor will display the source as well as it can. If you have seen computers output to a TV the video is good but the text is fuzzy. The reason, TVs were not designed to be monitors nor was the source designed to be outputed to a monitor. TVs do not have DPI restrictions or Viewing Inches, they are just monitors that display Video and Large text. Monitors have to scale back and forth. You can make the copy as good as the source by using a tape immediately after production. Again monitors will display information clearly and sharply, tvs will display moving images sharply and clearly.
-- T (, April 02, 1999.