what is used, 1/2 or full screen capture

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

In capturing videos from source. Which setting should I use to produce clear non-pixelated image (NTSC), 1/2 screen or full screen? Does it make a difference in picture quality?

-- cd giveaway (cdgiveaway@hotmail.com), March 30, 1999


You can use whatever you like. If you capture from AVI to MPEG then you will always have pixels but if you capture directly to MPEG(via a hardware encoder) then the video will look good no matter what. I have a beta version of the Snazzi card and have made VCDs that look better than DVD. The secret is in making a copy of the original source on two tapes(or three depends on the film). The first tape is one hour. The next tape is the rest(or another hour). You get the picture. This produces great VCDs that I can take with me to watch on my laptop. (I own the movies I copy and only use the VCDs myself) Really it depends on your encoder. the best thing is to Capture at 640x480(not 1/2 screen or full, makes it useless for other machines) and 16-Bit color. Anything above that and the discs may not be useful for friends who want to use them as VCD testers. Agian, always measure in pixels not screen for the best picture.

-- T (btp_shomchuen@hotmail.com), April 02, 1999.

You made a VCD that is better than DVD? You must need to renew the prescription on your glasses. No way technically to get a DVD quality VCD as DVD has twice the resolution. Best VCD quality is about same as VHS. With Broadway Pro it looks just like a good VHS copy.


-- Kevin (delgadil@cisco.com), September 04, 1999.

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