What is the ideal hardware setup to make VCDgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Encoding AVIs to Mpeg seem to take forever. What hardware components are ideal to make your own VCD? How much memory? Would having a SCSI harddrive improve performance? By how much percent? Thanks.
-- cd giveaway (cdgiveaway@hotmail.com), March 30, 1999
You can buy hardware encoders for around $150-$300 US. SCSI Hard Drives improve performance by 20-30 percent. For the best use a industry standard MPEG encoder(about $700-$1000+) and an AV hard drive (about $500/2 gig-$2000/8 gig). AV hard drives run on SCSI connectors and improve performance by 50-80 percent. Me, I use a beta Snazzi Hardware card (retail card is $250)and Seagate AV drive (2 gigs). Takes about one hour to make a "whitebook" VCD that plays on everything except some DVD players.
-- T (btp_shomchuen@hotmail.com), April 02, 1999.
what ever you choose dont buy snazzi encoder board, because it not compatible with standalone vcd player
-- submarine (sub_marine99@yahoo.com), May 22, 1999.
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