Is it possible to change film speed in GT-X/GT-S ? : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

If I understand correctly, the Minox 35 GTE/X/S can be used as a complete manual camera especially when using 100 ISO film by installing a flash and not using it, but only a shutter speed of 1/125 second. Any other way to manually tweak out the other shutter speed with the DX equiped models?

-- Andri (, March 29, 1999


Response to Minox 35

In many deluxe 35mm compact cameras, there is only DX coding, no provision for manual. There is +- change on my Contax T2, but I seldom use it. In my Canon Elph 370z, it is drop in and go. If you really want to change the DX code, I heard that you can buy DX code sticker and stick it to the cassette to change it to another ASA number. BTW, Minox 35 camera has a 2x switch for back light situation.

-- martin tai (, March 30, 1999.

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