Nikon 900S - or wait for the 700 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

From all read, the NIkon 900S sounds great but is the 700 better? What are the feature diff and the price diff? Also, has anyone tried the B/W mode on the 900S - how is the quality?

My second choice is the Oly 400z

thanks in advance


-- gary lai (, March 28, 1999


The Nikon CP 900S and the Olympus D-400Z are two cameras with similar resolution and 3x zoom lenses, both of which represent close to the high end of their respective product lines. The CP 700 is going to be a fixed-focal length camera with higher resolution than either of them, and it will be the "budget" companion to the CP 950.

So you'll have to specify whether the most important factor is resolution or features... If you plan to use the zoomable cameras near the end of their zoom ranges (~110mm, in 35mm equiv) then they would effectively have more resolution than the CP 700 anyway.

-- Ben Jackson (, April 11, 1999.

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