A VERY BIG THANK YOU!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
Hi there,Thanks to everyone who signed the guestbook on my birthday page. It was lovely to hear all your good wishes for my day. Made me feel very special (God hope that's not too mushy!)
A special big thanks to Shelbyx who toook the time and effort to make me this lovely page. It was so lovely abby girl...meant alot to me!! (Hmm why does this message remind me of an Oscar acceptance speech?) Anyway my point was....*trying really hard to remember the point of this message* Oh yeah...THANKS!!!
Hopefully I can do that same for all of you sometime this year :)
*big huggggles* Ven
-- venus. (venusthegoddess@hotmail.com), March 28, 1999
Your welcome honey...glad you liked it.Huggles Love ya!
-- Shels (Shelbyx@email.msn.com), March 28, 1999.
Oh hon!!! I'm so sorry...I forgot to go and sign...forgive me??? *lil ferret look from under lashes*... HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- gobbles (gobbles2@hotmail.com), March 29, 1999.
You're Welcome Bunny. I could do a whole lot more, like i planned to give you the moon as a B-Day gift but the moon had other plans to go out with the sun on a HOT date the next morning, (shrug). Well like i said i always make BIG plans, they never seem to workout but i love telling people i tried!! So enjoy yourself. We all are & will always be here for you. (goal__)
-- Jasmine B (shteffi@hotmail.com), March 29, 1999.