Spliting a .dat file

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I wish to cut up a large dat file into serveral tracks so they can be selected on my vcd player as track 1..2..etc to speed up skiping tracks.

I have split the files into seperate mpg's but when using Easy CD Creator Deluxe I get confused over the menus and end up with only one selectable track.

I would appreciate anyone's help.

Thanks Michael

-- Michael Byrne (mcb@net.ntl.com), March 28, 1999


Dear Michael Byrne,

I found eFilmEdit v1.4 to be easiest to split .dat files. Unfortunately it's trial version allows only clips of 5 minutes per split.

Can you suggest me some software which can partially copy an unreadable .dat file. I have a file which is on CD and has some problem at end of the file ?

Thanks & regards

- Shreeram Ghaisas.

-- Shreeram Ghaisas. (ghaisasji@hotmail.com), June 28, 2001.

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