Spliting a .dat filegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I wish to cut up a large dat file into serveral tracks so they can be selected on my vcd player as track 1..2..etc to speed up skiping tracks.I have split the files into seperate mpg's but when using Easy CD Creator Deluxe I get confused over the menus and end up with only one selectable track.
I would appreciate anyone's help.
Thanks Michael
-- Michael Byrne (mcb@net.ntl.com), March 28, 1999
Dear Michael Byrne,I found eFilmEdit v1.4 to be easiest to split .dat files. Unfortunately it's trial version allows only clips of 5 minutes per split.
Can you suggest me some software which can partially copy an unreadable .dat file. I have a file which is on CD and has some problem at end of the file ?
Thanks & regards
- Shreeram Ghaisas.
-- Shreeram Ghaisas. (ghaisasji@hotmail.com), June 28, 2001.