Soy answers a lot of questions. : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Thought we might put this into its own thread instead of including it in "Cows, (etc.)", and other related threads.

Here's a small rundown on Soy gleaned from several books on the subject. The Whole Soy Cookbook, The Tofu Book, The Miso Book and also the newsletter from

(Much of the following is paraphrased from Whole Soy Cookbook, Introduction.)

Soy is delicious, easy to work with and versatile. It provides inexpensive and complete nutrition. It has no cholesterol and no saturated fat and causes no ill effects to the human body. Even better, it actually helps prevent - perhaps even reverse - some of the world's most dreaded diseases. It is easy and cheap to produce and it can be grown in a variety of soils and climates. Its cultivation doesn't not deplete the earth of nutrients and it even enhances the environment.

Recent medical news reports eating as little as 25 grams of soy protein a day can prevent heart disease, breast cancer, and prostate cancer, among other illnesses. Soy is the answer to anyone with milk allergies or is lactose intolerant. It helps women anxious to ease the symptoms of menopause; anyone who suffers from digestive problems or diabetes. Everyone in fact, can benefit from soy, since it provides high-quality, inexpensive protein chock-full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber but with absolutely no cholesterol or saturated fat.

Most important of all, soy - and only soy - contains genistein which has been scientifically proven in many major studies to possess remarkable powers of healing and prevention.

Soy is low in sodium. Sodium consumption increased blood pressure and should not exceed 3000 milligrams a day. A 6 oz serving of black bean chili with tempeh (meat substitute) has 9 milligram of sodium.

Milk* - Sour Cream - Yogurt - Cheese - TVP* - Tofu* - Miso - Okara - Flour* - Tempeh* - Egg replacers - Margarine - Mayonnaise - Sauce - Oil - Meat analogs or replacements.

Roasted soybeans are delicious, high protein alternative to other roasted nuts. 37 percent protein vs 26 percent for roasted peanuts.

*Milk is made by soaking and cooking whole soybeans. The beans are then ground and the milky liquid is pressed out. The milk contains no cholesterol in comparison to low-fat dairy milk, which contains 18 miligrams of cholesterol per cup. Soy milk is high in protein and naturally contains calcium. Vanilla, chocolate, etc. flavoring can be added. It can be used on breakfast cereal or as a substitute for dairy milk in milkshakes, cream soups, and sauces.

Flour can be made from ground soybeans. Because it is more dense than grain-based flours, it cannot be used by itself but replace up to 20 percent of the all-purpose type flour.

*Tempeh is made from whole, cooked soybeans that are fermented to form a dense, chewy cake. It was originally developed as an inexpensive, high-quality meat alternative. Tempeh contains genistein, protein, and plenty of vitamin B12. It is cholestorol free and contains only small amounts of fat. Its flavor is nutty and rich, through it will absorb the flavors of whatever food you combine it with. When served with grains such as rice or whole wheat, ounce-for-ounce tempeh provides the same high-quality protein as meat.

TVP is made from defatted soy flakes. TVP is dried, granular product sold in health food stores. It may be purchased in bulk or packaged. It is the main ingredient of many commercially made meat substitutes such as soy sausage, soy bacon, vegetable burgers, and soy hot dogs. It is also used for filler for processed foods.

It is firm and can be used like many forms of meat: it will maintain its shape while grilled, baked, broiled, steamed, or fried. Crumbled, it can be added like ground beef to casseroles or sauces. It can be frozen or stored in the refrigerator, where it will last for about two weeks.

Tofu is curdled Soy Milk. It is made by adding nigari (a sea water compound), calcium sulfate and vinigar or lemon juice to soy milk. Excess moisture is squeezed out and the remaining curds are pressed into soft blocks. Also known as bean curd, tofu provides essential protein needed for human growth and maintenance. A 7 ounce serving of tofu provides 16 grams of protein: less than a comparable serving of beef (43 grams) but with no cholesterol (beef 179 grams) and far fewer calories and fat (beef 68 vs tofu 9 grams).

Tofu works well in stir-fries, egglike scrambles, soups, baked goods, purees, and desserts. Basically any consistency can be used but best results will be from what is called for. Firm tofu can be used is a meat substitute in main entrees, in stir-fries, cassseroles, soups, and cheesecakes. Soft tofu makes smooth dips, dressings, custards, and puddings. "Silken tofu" is a method of processing tofu to create a silky smooth surface. Great for pureed and blended dishes.

(We made slopy joe mix out of firm tofu and put it on french bread. Absolutely delicious.)

I'm sold.


-- Floyd Baker (, March 27, 1999


Thanks Floyd.

Miso is really a great product. I use it in soups. It's good for the gut. Taste is a bit on the salty side, otherwise indescribable. Unfortunately miso is temperature-sensitive. If not refrigerated it tends to grow mold. Also, don't let it come to a boil when using in soup. Instead, prepare the soup & add the miso at the very end. Delicious!

-- Bingo1 (, March 27, 1999.

That's one thing I meant to add. The best part of all of the above is that you can store the soy bean easily and make everything, as needed. No refrigeration? Make it fresh. The oriental stores often make the days supply, from scratch, in the morning before they open.


-- Floyd Baker (, March 27, 1999.

One source for chem-free soybeans in bulk, from a post below...

-- Wayne (, March 27, 1999.

See also Lumen Foods at

-- Old Git (, March 27, 1999.

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