Response to my : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread |
I started again because my original message was so long ago...Danke to all of you who responded to my BOREDOM!
Hmm...I know that people stop by if you wait around long enough but the thought of sitting in exile waiting is a bit boring. Fine if you have some company but if there is no one else in there..seems pointless. Anyway I haven't totally given up (as you can see). Besides there still isn't anywhere else as good :) *hugs*
-- Venus/MsVenus (, March 25, 1999
Sorry I missed your first message. ( I just scrolled down and read it.) When Exile is empty I just play gestures! It's a great way to get rid of the stuff you hardly ever use or find the ones you forgot you had. Don't stop going to Exile. I'll be in there entertaining myself soon! LOL I'll keep my eyes peeled for your nickname too!
-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, March 26, 1999.
Laighe keeps playing my siern over and over when she is in there scares everyone away!....mmm, is there some guilty parties out there..?LOL
-- Da'wash (, March 28, 1999.
That totally makes sense now to do with you scares people away!!!
Ha ha ha Just kidding...ya know I lub ya washeru!! *hugs* Venus
-- venus. (, March 28, 1999.