Minox 35 model variationsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread |
I note the list on Minox 35 models from 1974 through 1998. Can someone differentiate the specifications and features through the years for me? Are any (all?) "coupled rangefinders" that one focuses by superimposing two viewfinder images? Which of these have "match-needle metering" [a non-automated exposure mode] similar to the Nikkormat FTn I faintly remember from my early years.
-- Joey Powell (jpowell@co.wake.nc.us), March 25, 1999
As far as I know, there are no coupled rangefinders on Minox 35's. The Minox 35 series are not rangefinders. You estimate the distance and set it manually with the focus ring. The lens barrel includes a depth of field scale to make this easier. The 35mm wide angle lens gives you a lot of room for error.
-- Jeff Polaski (polaski@acm.org), September 08, 1999.
Jeff is right, there is no rangefinder 35mm Minox camera.The only rangefinder camera Minox ever made was Minox 110 camera.
-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), September 08, 1999.