Good News! : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

It looks like I'm finally geeting some recogintion for my poetry. A fiction writer appearntly likes my work and asked me to write or send a poem already written for the preface of her new book. The book is called THE LIES OF A HEART by Aleshia Beckett. I'm sooooo excitied and thought I would share with you my happiness..hehe..since som of you know how I've been struggling. Just so you don't have to go out and buy a copy just to get my poem cuz I know you all I'm going to post it here: DOn't let her leave if she is the light in your life...don't let her leave if she lets you cry...don't let her leave if she says she loves you....don't let her leave if she promises to never say good bye....don't let her leave if she makes you laugh...don't let her leave if she sleeps by your side...don't let her leave if she drives you crazy....don't let her leaveif she snuggles next to you.....don't let her leave if she never tells you lies....don't let her leave if she cries at your feet....don't let her leave if she makes you something to eat...don't let her leave if she's there if your sick...don't let her leave if she laughs at your dumb jokes....don't let her leave if she makes bad jokes sometimes....don't let her leave if she promises to be true...because she is in love with you...and she will always be true..never let her leave...keep her always by your side...this is no lie...if you love her keep may seem a all boils you love her? ~Ok...hope you all enjoyed it. THough you really should get the book it's very good.

-- gypsyflower (, March 25, 1999


Gypsy.......nice piece of work you have there. And you can really say you're a published author!! That's cool. May this be just the beginning of a fabulous (and famous) literary career!!

P.S. Can we get an autographed copy if we send it postage-paid?

-- SunflowerGirl1 (, March 25, 1999.

Congratulations! I'll head over to Amazon and check out the book right now!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, March 26, 1999.

I couldn't find it but I'll check back again. What sort of book is it? My curiosity is going to kill me!

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, March 26, 1999.

WOW!!!!! Gyp, that was absolutely WONDERFUL. CONGRATS hon, and the best of luck to you in the future.

-- tammae (, March 26, 1999.

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