Minox 35 GTE

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

Technical specifications from the minox.com site for the Minox GT-X list both a manual (ISO 25 to ISO 1600) and a DX film setting (ISO 25 to ISO 3200). From what I've seen on this forum, the Minox GTX would only have a DX film setting ? http://www.minox.com/htmle/akameras35.html#techgt-x

Also is it possible to use different filters for b&w film with the Minox and how does the meter handle those if it's not a TTL meter ? Thanks

-- andre (am1000@videotron.ca), March 24, 1999


GT-X /GT-S has only DX code, no manual setting,

When non-DX coded cassette is used,the camera automatically set to ISO 25

The meter sensor window is located at the rim of lens covered by the filter, so if a filter is big enough to cover the lens, the meter should automatically measured the filtered light,

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), March 24, 1999.

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